在 SwiftUI 上显示表情符号选择器





它是一个 SwiftUI 库,可让您获取智能手机上存在的所有表情符号的列表,还可以创建一个选择器来简化您的生活。


表情符号列表 表情符号搜索
表情符号列表 表情符号搜索



  • SwiftUI (iOS >= 15.0)
  • Smile (2.1.0)

How install it?

Nowaday we only support Swift Package Manager. You can use build-in UI tool for XCode with this search words: or you can add it directly with this following command :EmojiPicker

.package(url: "https://github.com/Kelvas09/EmojiPicker.git", from: "1.0.0")

How use it?

First of all you have to import the library :EmojiPicker

import EmojiPicker

You then have the option of using the . This view represents the list of selectable emojis.EmojiPickerView

The latter is not embedded in a NavigationView. If you want to display it with a title, you have to do it yourself:

NavigationView {
    EmojiPickerView(selectedEmoji: $selectedEmoji, selectedColor: .orange)

Here is a complete example:

import SwiftUI
import EmojiPicker

struct ContentView: View {

    var selectedEmoji: Emoji?

    var displayEmojiPicker: Bool = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            VStack {
                Text(selectedEmoji?.value ?? "")
                Text(selectedEmoji?.name ?? "")
            Button {
                displayEmojiPicker = true
            } label: {
                Text("Select emoji")
        .sheet(isPresented: $displayEmojiPicker) {
            NavigationView {
                EmojiPickerView(selectedEmoji: $selectedEmoji, selectedColor: .orange)


Select color

When a user selects an emoji, it is highlighted. By default the selection color is but you can change this value when creating the view:blue

EmojiPickerView(selectedEmoji: $selectedEmoji, selectedColor: .orange)

Enable search

By default the search for emoji is allowed in the picker, it is however possible to change this setting when creating the view:

EmojiPickerView(selectedEmoji: $selectedEmoji, searchEnabled: false)

⚠️ WARNING Search is only possible when is embed on .EmojiPickerNavigationView

Custom emoji provider

EmojiPickerView embeds protocol with a default implementation: . This class allows to retrieve all existing emojis.EmojiProviderDefaultEmojiProvider

When you build an , by default it uses this class to get the list of emojis to display.EmojiPickerView

If you want to use your own emoji list, you can create your own class by implementing the protocol :EmojiProvider

import Foundation
import EmojiPicker

final class LimitedEmojiProvider: EmojiProvider {

    func getAll() -> [Emoji] {
        return [
            Emoji(value: "🚀", name: "rocket"),
            Emoji(value: "🇫🇷", name: "France"),
            Emoji(value: "🦄", name: "unicorn"),
            Emoji(value: "🍺", name: "beer"),
            Emoji(value: "💶", name: "euro")


And then use it in the creation of the view:

NavigationView {
    EmojiPickerView(selectedEmoji: $selectedEmoji, selectedColor: .orange, emojiProvider: LimitedEmojiProvider())
        .padding(.top, 32)


You can access to sample project on folder EmojiPickerSample

